Soul Realignment Reading

Soul Realignment Reading

Regular price $165.00 USD
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The session is very informative but also practical - based on the blocks that show up in the reading we explore how they may have been affecting you in present life and how you can effectively move forward so you can embody more of your Divinity, align with your higher purpose and create the life you truly desire!

A Soul Realignment session is suitable for you if:

- You are feeling blocked or unclear about how to move ahead on your path..

- You desire to create a life that honours your Soul Purpose...

- A lack of vital force energy is creating self-sabotage, or destroying your manifesting ability...

- You are currently experiencing limitation, restriction, lack or dis-ease anywhere in your human experience.


The session is 1.5 hours long.

The session can be done around a specific intention - if you have one.

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