Spell breaker
Spell breaker
Remove an unwanted spell on you. takes 3 to 7 days to remove the spell completely off of you or someone else.I offer this service to remove, break and divert the spell to stop manifestations from happening.
This spell will work on a spell that you have done yourself or a spell that your have had cast upon your request.
I carry out white magic only, which uses the power of positive energy; there is nothing in the spell to cause harm to yourself anyone.
I have performed this spell many times on a number of different situations and desired outcomes with high success rates. It is very important to keep a positive mindset when requesting this spell to ensure effectiveness. It is equally as important to be open because after the spell is cast results will begin to manifest itself in many different ways where signs should be for the taking.
Expect to prepare for extreme and fast results. Upon purchasing this spell I shall need you to message me in the personalization field your full name (first & last), as well as date of birth and Information of the spell that needs to be broken (what has been done? what went wrong? what ritual has been done? who done the spell?
I will complete your spell within 72 hours after purchase. Keep in mind that timeframe to see results can vary for each individual.
I cast the entire spell for you remotely with candle burning. Nothing is shipped or mailed to you.
I look forwards to casting this spell to stop a spell that has been cast and its intensions from manifesting.
Any questions feel free to ask me at any time.
No refunds